
Welcome to the Pinchin’ Lincolns resources page!

This page is a customized, curated list of products and services that we currently use or have used with amazing success!

Many of the resources listed here are responsible for transforming our lives from “normal” to “weird” and assisting us in our ultimate goal of becoming 100% debt-free.

Before you proceed, you should know that some of the links below may be affiliate links.  Please read my full disclosure here.  I only recommend products or services that I’ve tried and stand behind.  Please do not spend money on anything that you feel will not help you reach your personal goals. 


Dave Ramsey: The Total Money Makeover

This book explains the framework on which our budgeting program is based.  Dave Ramsey’s plan has been truly transformative for our family.  I’ve read The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness cover-to-cover and highly recommend it to anyone who no longer wants to be enslaved by debt.


Capital One 360

From sinking funds to Christmas savings, we use our Capital One 360 accounts for anything we want to keep separate from our emergency fund and checking.  We have about six accounts right now and love them all! Depending on which account you sign up for (savings, money market or checking) and how much you deposit initially, you could earn up to a $100 bonus!

YNAB:  You Need A Budget

Since neither my husband nor I are big-time Microsoft Excel wizards, we knew right out of the gate that we needed some type of “idiot-proof” budgeting software to begin harnessing our debt payoff process.  Enter YNAB (the acronym stands for “You Need a Budget”).  We opened our account in August 2016, the same month and year that we first started our debt free journey, and have never looked back.

To be honest, I was skeptical at first about paying for budgeting software as it seemed counterintuitive.  However, once we began utilizing all the cool features YNAB had to offer during our 30 day free trial – such as charts, graphs and other visual metrics – we were hooked.  Not only had the software paid for itself within our second month of use, we started noticing results immediately – and are still seeing results today!